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Chakra Series exercise meditation with oils and tuning forks

The fun way to restore health and energetic harmony

Monthly Live Classes and More!

Next class is Wednesday September 23 at 3 pm to 4 pm PST.



Join chakra series flyer by Michele Arnold

Acupressure Points to Help Depression

We’re confident that you’ve heard of acupuncture, but do you know where it comes from?

The study and practice of acupuncture and acupressure have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years and is an ancient healing technique. Acupressure and acupuncture apply the same principles, but acupressure uses pressure points instead of needles to achieve the desired results. continue reading »

We Are Here for You

Dr. Michele and Dr. Tracey
Dr. Michele and Dr. Tracey are here to help you

We are here for You!  

We can help you with 

  • Digestion, constipation, IBS, GERD
  • Joint and musculoskeletal pain
  • Depression, anxiety, and lack of purpose.
  • Our specialty is helping you feel strong, powerful, and joyful!


Your health and safety is our primary concern.
When you arrive for your acupuncture appointment please call or text us to let us know that you are in the parking lot.
We will let you know when you can come inside.  

  • Only one person at a time in waiting room or check out
  • Wear a mask as you walk in
  • Wash your hands when you arrive
  • Wash your hands when you leave
  • Treatment rooms are sanitized between each patient
  • Sheets, pillow cases, and paper coverings are fresh for each patient.
  • The air is sprayed as well as diffusers going to clean the air.
  • We ask that you stay at home if you have any signs of Covid-19, fever, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, body aches, severe fatigue, rashes, diarrhea or stomach pain.
  • For respiratory illness or suspicion of Covid-19 please get tested, call your primary physician, or if for an emergency call 9-1-1 or go to emergency room.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  Due to the limited time constraints, and limited patient scheduling we recommend getting your appointment on the books!

  • There isn’t a vaccine or cure for Covid-19
  • Treatments for Covid-19 are still unsatisfactory


  • Support your immune system, and help your body so that it isn’t a good host!  

Book Now with Dr. Michele

Healing the Heart with Acupuncture and AromaTune


What is it that I do exactly?

Why I do what I do is because it provides me with the biggest opportunity to help people open their hearts, change fear into trust, and work with the power of love.  With love in our lives all things are possible.  Healing the heart is a necessary step in all healing processes.  Love is the most powerful frequency that must be found within, not without. 

Negative Emotional-Spiritual frequencies are the root of all disharmonies

change fear to loveDid you know that love and fear are the two most fundamental frequencies of the human spirit?  And that all other emotions are extensions of these?  Excluding birth defects, physical traumas, vaccinations, lack of water, lack of food or nutrients, or other iatrogenic causes, fear and other emotions stemming from fear are the causative factors for illness, unhappiness, and disease. 

Emotions based on fear trigger our survival instincts.  Some emotions that stem from fear include guilt, blame, jealousy, resentment, anger, hatred, revenge, sadness, loneliness, pride, and insecurities.

When stuck inappropriately in the repeated expression of one emotion it can become our persona.  It becomes conscious or subconscious emotional responses, reactions, memories, motivational, behavioral or mental habits.  These habits, memories, and behavior are stored in our musculature, and connective tissue called fascia, creating tension, blocking circulation, which can lead to pain or disease. 

Positive emotions based on love include joy, happiness, compassion, forgiveness, trust, pleasure, kindness, friendship, gratitude, and laughter.  They generate healing, Qi-flow, and energetic balance. 

Healthy emotions ebb and flow between positive feelings, positive responsive emotions and distressed feelings.  Emotions express a visceral autonomic response of the autonomic nervous system that manifests physically.  Fear is a prime example that triggers release of adrenaline from the adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys.  This rush of hormone effects the heart causing increased pulse rate, sweating, pale complexion, shivering, coldness, and a reaction to either run away or freeze where you are.

Energetic homeostasis or balance is when people can feel their emotions appropriate to situations, and feel content, and even keeled most of the time.  It is the ability to recover from emotional turmoil such as grief, anger, excitement and joy, fear and shock, or overthinking and worry.

This in turn supports physical homeostasis, we can move and perform physical exertion without pain.  We experience regular complete bowel movements, healthy appetite with satisfaction after meals, pleasant taste in the mouth, feeling alert and clear headed, restful sleep, refreshed when waked, normal body weight, good muscle tone, feeling strong, active, stable with good endurance, plus the ability to recover when ill.

About AromaTune and Acupuncture

tuning forksFirst, there’s sound and vibration you can feel from a tuning fork.  There is also color-light and electro micro-current that directly impact these energy centers because each chakra has a specific frequency that correlates with the color, tone, and current flow.  Next, there’s an aroma of an essential oil such as lemon, lavender, peppermint or frankincense that open different levels of energy pathways.  Both sound and essential oils carry frequencies that when applied together on or around the body direct the body’s cells to ‘tune up’ to their proper healthy pitch enabling them to function as they should.  This I call AromaTune.

Acupuncture is the insertion of a fine sterile filiform needle at acupuncture points along meridian pathways of the body that connect energetically to our organs and glands.  When needles are inserted at the acupuncture points, they act as antennae to attract higher level Qi-energy that connects to various levels of our multiple body systems.  The needles are inserted and removed in exact sequence and locations to create sacred geometric shapes such as a triangle or tetrahedron.  Acupuncture needles have a much stronger and sustaining effect for pulling in Qi from the fifth dimension then other forms of Qi manipulation. 

AromaTune and Acupuncture don’t create love.  However, together they generate a bio-electric current flow that allows us to harmonize and open blocked energy fields to and from the heart.  If the gate is open it will create a pathway to love.  The heart is the gateway to our soul’s purpose and journey of life.  Love creates a resonate frequency that dissipates all negative energy, especially fear.

This means that AromaTune and acupuncture harmonize Qi-energy flow within all pathways of body systems to assist in staying in tune with the flow of life, and opening our hearts, creating love within, not without.  This is real transformation, getting to the root cause of disharmony.

Supporting all Meridian Chakra-Energy Centers and Circulatory System

Ancient Healing Modern People

It’s important to balance all of our body systems.  Four basic bodily functions must be optimized in order to heal from any condition.  One must have good sleep and feel rested when waked, good appetite, regular normal bowl movements, and fluid intake.  Before one can expect positive results from cancer therapy, or relief from chronic pain, anxiety or depression, these functions must be normalized.  One of the best ways is through balanced nutrition.  My book, “Ancient Healing for Modern People”, is your simple guide to eating per your Meridian constitution.  It includes the use of essential oils, herbs, supplements, food therapy and a 10-day essential oil gut cleanse and rejuvenation.  Chemotherapy and radiation do not support the basic bodily functions that I described earlier.  How can your body heal if these basic functions aren’t working?  You will be too weak, and tired without an appetite, lack of thirst, and poor sleep.  With digestive and intestinal disruption, you will be too weak from either vomiting, diarrhea or toxic build-up from constipation.  The body’s core energy must be supported through nutrition and energy medicine so that you can sleep, eat, drink, and poop. 

A wellness regime should also include exercise, meditation, Qigong breathing techniques, because they benefit both our physical and energetic body systems.  Meditation, prayer, energy work, reiki, self-reflection, Five-Element Acupuncture, and Aroma-Tune benefits our spiritual energetic systems. Awakening the power of real healing begins by knowing our journey here on earth.  It is achieved by working on reaching our highest potential possible.  This journey eventually leads back to healing the heart. 

Areas of Focus using AromaTune and Acupuncture

back shuWhat ever your main complaint, whether it’s chronic pain, anxiety, loneliness, unhappiness, depression, cancer, or lack of direction, focus and passion, the root causative factor is the same.  It is an imbalance between the kidney-energies and the heart energy. 

Let me explain.  We don’t diagnose a disease or give a name to a condition in Chinese Medicine.  We diagnose and treat to harmonize the energy pathways at the soul level that are out of balance.  The heart is the center, paired with the kidney as a continuum of the ShaoYin/Lesser Yin channel.  All other emotions and hormones from vital organs and glands affect and are felt in the heart.  The heart is said to be the emperor of all other organs.  Therefore, other energy centers must be harmonized to assist the heart and kidneys.  The result is an open heart, strengthened kidneys, where fear is transformed into love and kindness.  This allows us to reach higher levels of consciousness, for ourselves, and towards humanity. 

In each type of energetic imbalance or health complaint, there is a specific essential oil and tuning fork protocol to harmonize and release the energy pathways.  Each oil is massaged into the back followed with vibrational sound from tuning forks that penetrate and relax muscles, tendons, and bones.  It is even better to remember to use AromaTune when we are feeling healthy.  Thus, our systems can be brought back into balance before symptoms or disease arise.  I will teach and provide this information for my patients, clients, and business partners who want to use essential oils, and my AromaTune methods. 

This deep transformation will raise your level of consciousness.  To Feel strong, powerful, and joyful by finding clarity, purpose, and passion in your life. Self-discovery, business and life passion.

Begin by bringing balance to your meridian system and chakras (psycho-neuro-endocrine centers (PNE); balances nerves, brain, and hormones. 

The National Center for Complementary/Alternative Medicine (NCCAM, 2005) describes energy medicine or biofield energy therapies as those energy therapies that manipulate energy fields that theoretically surround and penetrate the body.  Pierce (2007), lists common assumptions shared by biofield therapy practitioners of therapies like TT, HT, and Reiki (pp. 253–254):

  • The human body has a subtle energy system that interpenetrates the physical anatomy and extends outward beyond it.
  • The subtle energy may be conceptualized as universal energy or vital energy flowing through and available to all beings.
  • The normal self-healing capacity of the human body is supported by the free and balanced flow of energy through its subtle energy system.
  • Disease or disorder can be detected in the energy system (perhaps before it manifests in the physical body) and can be affected therapeutically by the action of energy practitioners, in support of the self-healing capacity of the body.
  • Conscious healing intent and compassion are considered essential to the effectiveness of biofield therapies.
  • Practitioners’ hands may or may not touch the body. Practitioners also may carry out healing work mentally, from a distance.

Color-light, micro-current, sound healing, and acupuncture are also energy medicine that manipulate the human bio-energy field.  Dr. Darren Starwynn, an energy medicine expert, asserts that “Frequencies in the same Hertz (Hz.) have the same resonance and speak the same language whether they are frequencies of light, musical notes of an instrument, the human voice, or gentle electro micro-current”, as told to me personally during an educational workshop in 2019. 

I had written an article in which I discuss the research conducted by Fabian Maman along with his colleague Helene Grimal (1997).  They showed that cancer cells explode with the correct use of musical frequencies.  You can read the article (2019), “Tuning Your Body Using Tuning Forks of the Harmonic Musical Scale Bursts Cancer Cells!”,

Disturbance in the Heart or 4th Chakra Energy Field

Heart Anahata ChakraThe chest, upper back, scapula and breast areas of the body are associated with the Heart or 4th Chakra.  With breast cancer there is a disturbance of Qi-energy flow through this area.  Related conditions are often heart palpitations, circulatory conditions, varicosities, cardiac diseases, benign tumors and growths, cysts.  Other key physical complaints may include heart disease, angina, chest constriction, coughing, neck pain, upper back, scapular pain, knee and elbow pain.  It is associated with thymus, cardiac plexus, electro-magnetic field, blood pressure, and immunity.  Psycho-emotional pain can show as anxiety, insomnia, poor memory, apathy, over talkative, feeling isolated, feeling unloved, lacking compassion, tired but wired, manic or withdrawn, hateful, vengeful, vulnerability, lack of boundaries. 

Symptoms include palpitations, arrhythmia, tachycardia, bradycardia, angina, CHF, post-surgical cardiac trauma, poor circulation (cold hands and feet), varicosities, nausea, vertigo, benign tumors and growths, thoracic scoliosis, mid-thoracic pain, mild scoliosis.

Musculoskeletal problems involve, ears, temporal mandibular joint region, thoracic spine, ribs seven-twelve, posterior and lateral aspect of trunk (loin), mid-thoracic scoliosis, scapula.

Positive attributes, as one might expect, this energy center is all about LOVE LOVE LOVE! By opening this chakra, we open ourselves to love and being loved. This space is linked with green and is the foundation for inner peace and joy.

The emotion of the heart is love, which generates joy and laughter.  It is about loving yourself, enjoying your own company, and not requiring someone else to make you feel whole.  It is about growth and nourishment of the spirit.  Following your path, and by listening to your heart.  This area can become congested or weak by failing to take care of your own needs, and desires.  The breast is the connection or intimate bond between mother and child.  This metaphorically or spiritually is a place of ultimate safety, abundance, and unconditional love.  When we feel abandoned, burdened by the sorrows of life, betrayed, resentful, or deeply wounded emotionally we can feel unworthy, loathe ourselves, develop poor body image, and a dislike of our own body parts.  Love is a necessary frequency for survival. 

Finding ways to resolve the above conflicts will lead to healing the heart and finding unconditional love within. 

What you can do if you’re an Energy Healer

essential oilsNow, I’m asking for those who love energy medicine and essential oils to join me by helping people you care about to open their hearts, create Qi-energy flow, and transform fear into love.  Real transformation.  You can do this with the powerful frequencies of doTERRA essential oils, and AromaTune.  I’ll teach you how to help others get the oils they need, and how to use them.  For acupuncturists, I’ll also share geometry acupuncture of the 5th dimension for the heart and soul. 

In Health and Happiness,

Michele Arnold.  Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (D.A.C.M.), Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.)

Look for other articles in this series about chakras and relationships with cancer, anxiety, pain, or stress.


Book Appointment by calling (858) 613-0792




Angel, B. (Dr. Barbara Romanowska). (2014). Heal and Tune:  In-depth Cellular Music Therapy, Simple Techniques for healing the Body, Mind, and Spirit with Sound.  Editors: Dustin T. Johnston, David S. Larson.  Amazon’s Create Space.

Arnold, M. (2018).  Tuning Your Body Using Tuning Forks of the Harmonic Musical Scale Bursts Cancer Cells!

Cross. J. (2008). Acupuncture and the Charka Energy System:  Treating the Cause of Disease.  North Atlantic Books.  Berkeley, CA.

Gumenick, N. (2005). Classical Five-Element Acupuncture Program.  Personal collection of N. Gumenick, The Institute of Classical Five-Element Acupuncture Inc., Santa Monica, CA.

Maman, Fabian (1997).  The Role of music in the twenty-first century.  Redondo Beach, CA.: Tama-Dõ Press.

Pierce, Beverly. (Apr 2007).  The Use of Biofield Therapies in Cancer Care.  Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing; Pittsburgh Vol. 11, Iss. 2,: 253-8.

Pitchford, P. (1993).  Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition.   Berkeley:  North Atlantic Books.

Potter P. J. (2013). Energy therapies in advanced practice oncology: an evidence-informed practice approach. Journal of the advanced practitioner in oncology4(3), 139–151.

Prout, L. M.S. (2000, October 13).  Live in The Balance:  The Ground-Breaking East-West Nutrition Program.  New York: Marlowe & Company.

Sankey, M. (2003). Climbing Jacob’s Ladder: Esoteric Acupuncture Vol. III.  Mountain Castle Publishing.  Inglewood, CA.

Sankey, M. (2002, 2005). Discern the Whisper: Esoteric Acupuncture Vol. II.  Mountain Castle Publishing.  Inglewood, CA.

Sankey, M. (1999). Esoteric Acupuncture: Gateway to Expanded Healing Vol. I.  Mountain Castle Publishing.  Inglewood, CA.

Starwynn, D. (2013).  Healing the Root of Pain:  A Non Drug Solution for Depression, Anxiety, and Chronic Pain Using the Power of Vibrational Medicine.  Desert Heart Press.  Phoenix, Az.

Starwynn, D. (2019).  Speaking the Body’s Language.  Educational Workshop Notes and Personal Conversation.  Los Angeles, CA.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM).  Energy Medicine an Overview.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM).  Complementary, Alternative, or Integrative Health: What’s In a Name? (April 02, 2019).

Harmonize the liver and gall bladder

The first remedy is to eat less.

Foods to Avoid are those high in saturated fats, Lard, Mammal meats, Cream, Cheese, Eggs

Avoid Hydrogenated and poor-quality fats, Shortening, Margarine

Avoid Refined and rancid oils

Excess nuts and seeds.  They should be unsalted, and lightly roasted.  Raw nuts easily become rancid, and harbor parasites.

Chemicals in foods and water

Processed foods

All intoxicants

Eat foods or herbs that stimulate the flow of liver-Qi energy.

From my book, “The Qi Life: Live A Better Life Pain Free Naturally”.

Essential Oils may support liver and gall bladder health.

Use 3 – 5 drops of a detoxification essential oil blend applied to liver area daily.  Note: A detoxification Blend you can purchase may include Clove, Geranium, Grapefruit and Rosemary, or in a roller ball combine 4 drops Geranium, 6 drops Rosemary, 6 drops Cilantro, 8 drops Juniper Berry, and fill remainder with FCO.

*Note:  most liver conditions have developed over long periods of time and rebuilding will take consistent application with patience over weeks and months.

A famous Chinese Herbal remedy that moves stuck liver Qi-energy, lifts the mood, and aids digestion:

The Chinese Medicine herbal formula Xiao Yao Wan (Rambling Powder) moves and nourishes the liver energy, and emotional constraint.

Ingredients: Bupleurum (Chai Hu), Angelica Root (Dang Gui), White Peony (Bai Shao), White Atractylodes (Bai Zhu), Poria Mushroom (Fu Ling), Honey Baked Licorice (Zhi Gan Cao), Mint (Bo He), Fresh Ginger (Sheng Jiang).  Citrus Peel (Chen Pi), Amomum Cardamom Seed (Sha Ren) can be added for a weak spleen-stomach.

Take twice daily before meals.

Contraindications:  Do not take during an acute phase of colds and flu.

Caution:  This formula has been modified to reduce likelihood of stomach bloating or loose stools with the additions of Chen Pi and Sha Ren.  Should this occur with the additions, take with food, or discontinue.


If you have questions about more ways that Chinese Medicine can help you please don’t hesitate to ask.


Dr. Michele Arnold

858-613-0792 Directions Contact/Schedule