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15644 Pomerado Rd., Suite 102    Poway, CA 92064

About Us

Welcome to Acupuncture Center, Inc.,  For local Acupuncture and Herbal Medical Services.  You have found us at

Where you’ll find the most effective customized herbal medicines, essential oil guidance, and Acupuncture Services for your health and overall well-being!

We are passionate about using Chinese Medicine to help people, like you, take charge of your health and overall well-being, naturally.  We want you to be able to enjoy life, and do the things you love.  We want you to feel good again.

We do this by offering holistic ways to regain health such as acupuncture, non-needle acupuncture, natural herbal remedies.

We want our practice to be your first line of choice with your health care needs.  We are educated and trained as primary care doctors where our tools available to you are acupuncture, herbs, and diet instead of pharmaceutical drugs, or surgery.

When there is an emergency, or you need more drastic heroic measures we will refer you to your Western Medicine doctor or specialist.  We can often work closely together with other practitioners to enhance your care.

We are trained in evaluating blood, urine, and saliva laboratory testing that will guide us in providing the best possible care for you.

We do not need a Western Biological diagnosis in order to provide you with care at our clinic.  You do not need to delay treatment while you are waiting for your Western doctors to figure out what is wrong with you.

Why?  Because, while a working Western diagnosis can help guide our care, our treatments and herbal formulas are based upon your Five-Element Constitutional diagnosis.  Referrals and authorizations for care are only required when a third-party HMO or Workers’ Comp insurance company is involved.  When you are paying for your own care, and with most other types of insurance, there is no referral required before beginning care.

Our experts promise to educate and serve with honesty, professionalism, and proficiency.

Isn’t your health the most important thing you own?  We think so!

For homework between your acupuncture visits, and self-healing Dr. Michele Arnold offers lifestyle courses and workshops for vibrational medicine, tuning forks, essential oils, and TCM nutritional and Body cleansing-detox programs. 

Please visit our sister site at

Click here to Schedule your appointment today or call us at (858) 613-0792

Not sure?  If you have questions you can click here to contact us to set up a FREE consultation to find out if Chinese Medicine is right for you.

Meet Dr. Michele Arnold


What makes our clinic special?  Click here to find out, “Why Us?”

858-613-0792 Directions Contact/Schedule