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a Valentine to heal and manifest all things of the heart


We have your heart on top of mind this Valentine’s Day!

Acupuncture is known not only for relief of physical pain, and improvement of general health, but also for that of the mind-emotions and spirit. In Acupuncture medicine the mind-emotions and spirit are one. The heart is the emperor of the body, and it is in charge of the mind, thus it is considered the heart-mind or Shen.

The heart is responsible for the feelings of love, forgiveness, and joy.

The heart protector is the Pericardium that surrounds the heart. It protects the heart from emotional distress. It is the gate keeper allowing the heart to be open or closed. Sometimes we are out of balance, and our heart is too wide open to someone who may not be good for us, or it is too closed off not letting love inside.

The Pericardium meridian is used more often than the heart meridian to help balance the mental-emotional-spiritual aspects of ourselves. Taking care of the Mind-Heart-Shen can help with conditions of heart like heart palpitations, insomnia, vivid dreams, cardiac pain, broken heart syndrome, anxiety, manic behavior, fear of meeting people, shyness, poor memory, or clouded thinking.

For a day like Valentine’s Day, it is good practice to express and share our love with our loved ones and significant other. It can be a time to focus on healing our heart and moving forward. 

 Heal and Manifest all Things Related to the Heart

use the Pericardium Meridian.

Pericardium 2-Heavenly Spring. Located 2 inches below the axillary line (armpit) between the 2 heads of the biceps brachii. 

Pericardium 3-Crooked Marsh. Located medial to the bicep tendon at the elbow. 

Let me share a couple Acupuncture Points found along the Pericardium Meridian. These acupoints help to: 

  • Bring Harmony between a heart that is too wide open and one that is too closed.
  • Balance the water (fear) and Fire of intimacy. 
  • Cleanse and release old emotional wounds and heartbreak.
  • Invigorate the spirit of fire for warmth, connection, communication, and love. 

Massage gently in a clockwise fashion for 30 seconds to one minute. Breath nice and slow bringing the air into your lower abdomen expanding your ribcage and exhaling slowly making the laughter sound of HA HA HA!

If you are feeling like you need a bit more help, come in for acupuncture to heal and manifest all things related to the heart!

With love and healing,

Dr. Michele Arnold-Pirtle

Your Gallbladder is important even if you don’t have one! Listen to the podcast.

the map of the gallbladder channel on the body
acupuncture meridian of the gall bladder

The gallbladder is the lymphatic channel responsible for digestion of fats. It is also responsible for carrying out plans and decisions.

Listen to this podcast to hear why it is important to stimulate your gallbladder channel.

The books I mention in this podcast can be found on or Amazon.

     “Ancient Healing for Modern People“, and “It’s All About Your Gut!” by Michele Arnold-Pirtle

Join the live or recorded Chakra Series class to stimulate the gallbladder meridian with acupressure points and sound healing.

         Join Now! 


Listen to the Healing Body Mind Spirit Podcast Now!

Is Your Pain a Mind-Body Problem?

Join Dr. Michele’s Podcast Body Mind Spirit Mysteries


Listen Now



Using Acupressure for Future Hope and Happiness in 2022

Each new year we look forward to a new beginning. To a brighter future. Many of us will make New Year’s resolutions to start the new year in the right direction. Our intentions are to make up for any mistakes we made during the previous year in hopes not to repeat them. We also aim to put into action those things we have put on the back burner by procrastinating. By learning from our mistakes, setting goals, organizing, planning, and putting those steps into action we will experience personal growth. This may be on an emotional-mental level, physical level, or more spiritual.

  • Many of us would like to see ourselves improve our relationships
  • Feel good, and be healthier
  • Become more physically fit, and lose weight
  • Be a better person by being more thoughtful, conscientious, generous, patient, and understanding.
  • Maybe we would like to excel in school, or to succeed in our career.
  • We would like to enjoy financial abundance and freedom
  • Perhaps there are hobbies to try, or places we want to see.

In a nutshell, let us give thanks for what we have had this past year while looking forward to the future.


There are ways you can help yourself do just that.  Acupressure is one of the ways to help yourself on an emotional-spiritual level.

There are two acupuncture points that I would like to share with you.

                       acupuncture meridian of the liver
  1. Liver #13 called Chapter Gate (Zhang Men). This is located below the tip of the 11th rib.  Think of it like a gate opening up, or the turning of a page in a book to a new chapter. It helps recycle the old stuff enabling a new transition in life. It allows you to breath as it benefits the diaphragm, and ribcage. If your mind feels stuck, this is a great point to activate.
  2. Liver #14 called Gate of Hope (Qi Men). It is located on the inferior ridge of intercostal angle about 4″ lateral from center, and 3.5″ below the tip of zyphoid process. *This is an alternative location used in Classical Five-Element Acupuncture. Use this point when you feel resigned, like you want to give up. When you are feeling like there is no growth, no fulfillment use this point. It brings hope for the future. It opens up the consent to healing, and to getting well. It empowers the quality of aspiration.

Together these acupuncture points will help change your perspective when needed, and will bring the feeling of hope, and growth needed for a new beginning and for a bright future.


Rub each point in a clockwise direction for up to a minute each. Then gently tap 5 times up and down.

Rub each point twice daily in the morning, and before bed.

Happy New Year 2022!

Dr. Michele Arnold

Acupuncture Center Inc. Local acupuncture clinic in Poway, CA for pain relief, anti-anxiety, and stress reduction

Living Well with Dr. Michele-A Holistic Health and Wellness Community for posting questions, comments, experiences, learning, live-streaming classes, health tips, and exclusive content.

Well With Dr. Michele-Online holistic, on-demand courses for digestive, and spiritual health.




Chakra Series exercise meditation with oils and tuning forks

The fun way to restore health and energetic harmony

Monthly Live Classes and More!

Next class is Wednesday October 14th at 4 pm to 5 pm PST.

We will explore the Solar Plexus, Stomach Meridian and the relationship with breast health.  Women you don’t want to miss this!  You will learn essential oil protocols, sound healing, and affirmations all important aspects to healing, recovery, and prevention.



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