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Weight Loss

Acupuncture for Healthy Weight Management

Acupuncture for Healthy Weight Management

Different weight loss drugs and diets are always coming into and out of fashion as different celebrities endorse different programs and plans. If you are looking for a long-term, drug-free solution, acupuncture just might be the perfect fit for you.  continue reading »

Acupuncture for Weight Loss

Acupuncture for Weight Loss

Most of us have those pesky few pounds that just won’t release their grip on us. We might try the latest diet or exercise trend but that weight just won’t come off. Or maybe you have more than just a little weight to lose. Rather than jump on the latest fad diet that sounds too good to be true, have you thought about trying acupuncture to lose weight? It just might be the ticket to not only losing those extra pounds but also to getting your overall health back on track. continue reading »

Acupuncture for Healthy Weight Loss

Weight Loss - your healthy weight loss program can include acupuncture

In the United States, an estimated 300,000 people a year die from obesity. 

In several studies over the last five years, researchers have shown patients who receive regular acupuncture treatments see faster weight loss results than those who do not. In each case, the acupuncture treatments were combined with dietary and lifestyle changes also aimed at weight loss, but the patients who got acupuncture saw better results than those who focused on dietary and lifestyle changes alone. continue reading »

Understanding Your Body Constitution to Conquer Inflammatory Bowel Disease part 1

Understanding Your Body Constitution for IBD-Part 1.

Stay-tuned for Part 2-What is a healthy constitution, and learn about the most common constitutional patterns for IBD.

Conquer your abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fatigue.  

abdominal pain

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Wonderful Things About Sweet Potatoes

sweet potatoes

I love sweet potatoes made any which way.  My favorite is to bake them in the oven, and slice open and season with salt, pepper, parsley, and a little real butter.  

Did you know about the wonderful health benefits of a sweet potato?

Yes, they are a starchy root vegetable.  Starchy veggies have been given a bad wrap lately, which has impacted our health in general by not eating these types of foods in our regular diet.  

Anyone suffering from inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel disease should pay attention here!

Starchy veggies have soluble fiber, which soothes and regulates the digestive tract, stabilizes the intestinal contractions, and normalizes bowel function from either extreme. So, soluble fiber prevents and relieves both diarrhea and constipation while also preventing the violent and irregular spasms that result in the lower abdominal cramping pain that cripples so many people with IBD, or IBS. 

A Balanced meal includes both insoluble fiber like whole grains, broccoli, fruit with skin, seeds along with soluble fiber foods like a sweet potato.  

Nutrition of a Sweet Potato:

  • Rich in Beta-carotene-helps reduce risk of stroke or heart attack by 20-40%.
  • Low in calories-130 calories per medium sweet potato
  • Fat free
  • Vitamin C-half of your day’s RDA value
  • Vitamin A-necessary for healthy nerve function
  • Potassium-great for blood pressure
  • Natural detoxifying by helping your body expel excess heavy metals and toxins.
  • Great in a detoxifying rice congee (porridge).
  • My recipe you can find in my book, “Ancient Healing for Modern People, Food, Herbs, & Essential Oils“.
  • Anticancer, anti-obesity, and antiaging!

So, eat your sweet Potatoes to enjoy all of the wonderful things!

Dr. Michele Arnold


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