Meridian Tapping with AromaTune
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The Lungs and Colon are paired organs in the Acupuncture Channel System. They are also part of the Throat Chakra energy center.
Keeping the Qi-energy flowing smoothly within these meridian-organ systems will help keep you healthy and energized.
You can stimulate your own ability to heal, and open any blockages along these pathways using tapping, acupressure, or the sound healing frequencies of a tuning fork. Plus, applying essential oils boosts the effectiveness of your therapy.
The essential oils you can try are eucalyptus, rosemary, black pepper, peppermint, fennel, ginger, or marjoram. Apply diluted with fractionated coconut oil, or olive oil. Just use the coconut or olive oil if you don’t have the essential oils yet.

About AromaTune
It is a combination of acupressure/acupuncture and mind/body medicine using nothing more than your fingers. AromaTune is the option to add the magic of essential oils and tuning forks. This utilizes meridians on the skin (or acupressure points) to decrease or resolve negative emotions and/or emotionally based physical issues. Frequencies of essential oils, sound vibrations of tuning forks, and energy fields of acupuncture points are used to turn off the stress signal and heal the physical responses our body makes in reaction to painful experiences (both physical and/or emotional).
A new class is available each month to purchase for a one-time fee.
It is Included for paid subscribers of the monthly “Gold Plan Community”. Subscribers have access to all AromaTune classes, plus other exclusive content.
Dr. Michele A.
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