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Herbal Medicine

Harmonize the liver and gall bladder

The first remedy is to eat less.

Foods to Avoid are those high in saturated fats, Lard, Mammal meats, Cream, Cheese, Eggs

Avoid Hydrogenated and poor-quality fats, Shortening, Margarine

Avoid Refined and rancid oils

Excess nuts and seeds.  They should be unsalted, and lightly roasted.  Raw nuts easily become rancid, and harbor parasites.

Chemicals in foods and water

Processed foods

All intoxicants

Eat foods or herbs that stimulate the flow of liver-Qi energy.

From my book, “The Qi Life: Live A Better Life Pain Free Naturally”.

Essential Oils may support liver and gall bladder health.

Use 3 – 5 drops of a detoxification essential oil blend applied to liver area daily.  Note: A detoxification Blend you can purchase may include Clove, Geranium, Grapefruit and Rosemary, or in a roller ball combine 4 drops Geranium, 6 drops Rosemary, 6 drops Cilantro, 8 drops Juniper Berry, and fill remainder with FCO.

*Note:  most liver conditions have developed over long periods of time and rebuilding will take consistent application with patience over weeks and months.

A famous Chinese Herbal remedy that moves stuck liver Qi-energy, lifts the mood, and aids digestion:

The Chinese Medicine herbal formula Xiao Yao Wan (Rambling Powder) moves and nourishes the liver energy, and emotional constraint.

Ingredients: Bupleurum (Chai Hu), Angelica Root (Dang Gui), White Peony (Bai Shao), White Atractylodes (Bai Zhu), Poria Mushroom (Fu Ling), Honey Baked Licorice (Zhi Gan Cao), Mint (Bo He), Fresh Ginger (Sheng Jiang).  Citrus Peel (Chen Pi), Amomum Cardamom Seed (Sha Ren) can be added for a weak spleen-stomach.

Take twice daily before meals.

Contraindications:  Do not take during an acute phase of colds and flu.

Caution:  This formula has been modified to reduce likelihood of stomach bloating or loose stools with the additions of Chen Pi and Sha Ren.  Should this occur with the additions, take with food, or discontinue.


If you have questions about more ways that Chinese Medicine can help you please don’t hesitate to ask.


Dr. Michele Arnold

Herbal Tonics for Digestion

Digestive disorders can be simple like flatulence or gas, or they can be much more serious, such as Crohn’s disease. But regardless of the severity of the disease, there is no doubt digestive disorders affect far more people than they should, especially in the United States. A recent survey reports nearly 74 percent of all Americans are living with digestive issues. Most people don’t report it to their doctors either, because they assume it is normal to have gas, bloating or abdominal pain. But these symptoms can be indicators of much more serious underlying problems. continue reading »

Herbal Tonics to Reduce Stress

Stress is something that affects everybody. Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional tension or strain resulting from demanding or adverse circumstances. This can result in a multitude of symptoms, including headaches, muscle tension, pain, insomnia, worry, anxiety, depression and even disease. And according to a recent survey, nearly 77 percent of all Americans regularly experience physical or psychological symptoms caused by stress (American Institute of Stress, May 2017). continue reading »

Herbal Tonics for Allergies

An allergy occurs when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance, called an allergen.  This could be anything from something you inhale to something you touch to something you eat.  An allergic reaction may cause sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, a running nose, a sore throat and rashes. In severe cases, allergic reactions can induce something known as anaphylactic shock, which can actually be deadly. continue reading »

Natural Ways to Up Your Game

In addition to using acupuncture and other forms of traditional Chinese medicine, there are other ways athletes seek to up their game. One of the simplest ways to increase performance is by watching what you are consuming. You ever heard the saying you are what you eat? Chances are you have, if not, well I am glad that now you have, because there could not be a truer statement. continue reading »

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