Chinese Medicine
Happy Thanksgiving and Healthy Eating
Happy Thanksgiving
Orange is the pumpkin
Yellow is the corn.
Brown is the turkey
with stuffy galore.
Red are the cranberries,
Green are the peas.
Five delicious colors to please,
With family and friends
is the best Thanksgiving,
Yes, siree!
-You may feel guilty for overeating, but if your meal is balanced with different colors and five flavors,
you can be sure you’re at least getting the nutrients you need. The pigments and flavors are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids necessary for your body.
To read more about adding colorful nutrition to your meals read here.
Learn how a Colorful Meal this Thanksgiving brings Balanced Nutrition
We at Acupuncture Center Inc wish you a tasty Thanksgiving!
May your feast be balanced with the five main colors and five flavors. The pigments and flavors are rich in vital nutrients for your body. You can be sure your getting all the nutrition you need.
Using Colors of Food for optimal nutrition-one of the most important ways to use color!
Chinese Medicine is known for balancing the five-elements of nature. These five-elements are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each has a color associated with it along with organs and glands.
The following is an excerpt from my book, Ancient Healing for Modern People: Food, Herbs & Essential Oils to Rejuvenate the Body, Mind & Soul.
Five Colors of Food
Greens, reds, oranges-yellows, whites (including beiges-tans), dark colors (purple, blue, browns, blacks).
Some examples are listed below. Of course, this list is not exhaustive, it just gives you the idea.
Rich in Vitamin K, C, and E, phytonutrients lutein and zeaxanthin, Chlorophyll; Reduce cancer risks, lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels, normalize digestion time, support retinal health and vision, fight harmful free-radicals, and boost immune system activity.
Avocados, Asparagus, Green apples, Broccoli, Collard greens, Green beans, Green peas, Kale, Lettuces
Limes, Spinach, Mustard greens.
Rich in antioxidants lycopene and anthocyanins; Reduce the risk of prostate cancer, lower blood pressure, reduce tumor growth and LDL cholesterol levels, scavenge harmful free-radicals, and support joint tissue in arthritis.
Beets, Red peppers, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Ahi tuna (ahi is red in color to yellow or Bluefin tuna, which are pale in color), Radishes, Red apples, Red Onion, Cherries, Raspberries, Red dates, Red plums, Watermelon, Red grapes.
Yellows and Oranges
Rich in beta-carotene and antioxidant folate; Reduce age-related macular degeneration and the risk of prostate cancer, lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure, promote collagen formation and healthy joints, fight harmful free radicals, encourage alkaline balance, and work with magnesium and calcium to build healthy bones.
Apricots, Millet, Oranges, Carrots, Lemons, Cantaloupe, Peaches, Pumpkin, Sweet potato, Yams, Winter squash, Yellow squash, Yellow peppers, Yellow tomatoes.
Whites, Tans, Beiges
High in dietary fiber, antioxidant-rich flavonoids, such as quercetin, lignans; Activate natural killer B and T cells, immune boost, reduce the risk of colon, breast, and prostate cancers, and balance hormone levels, reducing the risk of hormone-related cancers.
Rice, Cauliflower, Cucumber, Turkey, Egg white, White potato, Onion, Water chest-nuts, White fish, Turnip, Parsnips, Apples, Pears, white nectarines, white peaches, white corn, Bananas, mushrooms, garlic, ginger.
Rich in anthocyanins, natural plant pigments, and flavonoids and ellagic acid, resveratrol; Supports retinal health, lower LDL cholesterol, boost immune system activity, support healthy digestion, improve calcium and other mineral absorption, fight inflammation, reduce tumor growth, act as an anticarcinogens in the digestive tract, and limit the activity of cancer cells.
Black beans, Black berries, Black sesame seeds, Blue berries, Coffee, Kelp, Soy, Eggplant, Raisins, Prunes, Purple Grapes, Plums.
Other Sources
Gianni, Ann Marie. 2018, March 13. 20 Ways to Use Color Therapy to Improve Your Life.
Starwynn, Darren, O.M.D. 2013. Healing the Root of Pain: A Non-Drug Solution for Depression, Anxiety, and Chronic Pain Using the Power of Vibrational Medicine. Desert Heart press. Phoenix, Az.
You can learn more from my book, Ancient Healing for Modern People: Food, Herbs & Essential Oils to Rejuvenate the Body, Mind & Soul.
Order from or Amazon.
Happy Thanksgiving
Dr. Michele Arnold and Dr. Tracey Whitney
Healthy Foods for Fall
The season of fall brings cooler weather and shorter days. As with any season, the world adjusts accordingly. Plants begin to go dormant, animals begin scrounging for food to store to get them through the upcoming winter months and humans start winterizing everything.
As fall descends on the land, it reminds us we need to start cutting back on the numerous cooling foods that are consumed during the summer months. Things like raw foods, salads, juices and fruits should be decreased because they can create too much cold in the body, according to traditional Chinese medicine. continue reading
Ways to use Color Therapy for Chakra-Energy Balancing
Chakra-energy Centers and Color spectrum
Charkas are said to output different array of colors depending on the chakra, like the colors of the rainbow. Color and sound directly impact these energy centers because each chakra has a specific frequency that correlates with the color and tone. When out of balance, the correct sound and color will help it to resonate and tune-up to the correct vibrational frequency.
When in harmony the following is a list of the native color of each chakra.
The following are various ways to incorporate color healing into your life. Pick one or more ways that resonate with you.
Using color to heal with Colored Lighting
You can use a bedside or standard lamp and a colored light bulb relevant to your need. Place the lamp so that it will shine on the area of your body that requires healing for a few minutes at a time. You can use a lamp with a shade, and cover with a colored silk scarf. Be sure the silk doesn’t contact the bulb-no fires please!
*In my practice at Acupuncture Center, Inc., I use Color-light therapy with a gentle micro-current for healing effects in my Energy-Light Facial Rejuvenation or Vibrational Healing services with micro-current and color-light (MEA).
Using color with Colored Silks
Silk is the finest material for the transmission of color energies.
Find a warm, sunny location in your home.
Play your favorite relaxing music.
While completely undressed drape a large piece of multi-colored silk or silk of your desired color over your body and lay down in the sunlight, allowing its rays to penetrate your body through the silk for fifteen to thirty minutes.
Using color to heal with Color Breathing, Visualization and Meditation
Color breathing utilizes the focus of the mind combined with breathing to aid the healing process. Do not stress if it does not work the first time, take your time and keep trying. It takes practice.
Sit comfortably and visualize the color relevant to your need.
Breathe gently and deeply through your nose and exhale out through the mouth.
Imagine that each breath you take is slowly and softly absorbing a color of light into your body.
Allow your senses to feel the full effects of the breathing and use your mind to visualize its penetration of the body.
Sense the fulfillment of the color breathing.
After a few minutes of this breathing, return to your normal breathing pattern.
Red breathing is for increasing willpower, vitality and sexuality.
Orange breathing is for happiness, laughter and fun.
Yellow breathing is for expanding intellectual powers and concentration.
Green breathing is for gentle cleansing and balancing.
Blue breathing is for peace and inner harmony.
Violet breathing is for improving self-esteem and for deepening self-knowledge.
Magenta breathing is to release addictive patterns.
Pink breathing is for opening the ability to love and be loved.
Turquoise breathing is for strengthening the emotions and the immune system.
Using Colors of Food for optimal nutrition-is one of the most important ways to use color!
Chinese Medicine is known for balancing the five-elements of nature. These five-elements are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each has a color associated with it along with organs and glands.
Because this is such an important part of using color it will be covered in a future post so stay tuned!
If you want to experience Chakra-Color Therapy Book your appointment now!

Reflexology with Essential Oils Workshop
Come and Join Energy Medicine Experts, Drs. Michele Arnold and Tracey Whitney, for an evening of learning and fun as they share their knowledge and effective techniques of reflexology with essential oils.
Activating reflex points on the hands, feet, face or ears opens areas of congested Qi-energy and helps circulate blood flow. Thus, relieving pain, and improving body function. Adding particular essential oils not only boosts the results, but they smell good too!
The class has been filled!! We will be having another class on Wednesday September 18th at 5:30 pm to 7 pm. We are taking names for this class, so give us a call to hold your spot for $25! (858) 613-0792.