We all know that stress is just a part of life. We all have moments of feeling anxious or depressed, but when those feelings become more of a permanent fixture in our lives, it is time to get some help. What many may not know is how effective acupuncture can be in providing relief to the mental and physical symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. continue reading
Feeling Stressed and Anxious? Try Acupuncture
Road Work on Pomerado Does Not Affect Our Hours
Yes, we are open for business Monday-Friday.
There is construction on Pomerado right in front of my building at 15644. It is San Diego Gas & Electric’s work to install a gas pipeline under Pomerado Road.
Don’t fret, just slow down, put your blinker on, the crew will direct you around the cones into the building. The North and South entrance alternate between being open or closed, but both entrances will take you to the North or South side if drive up to the top and around. You can also walk across the short hallway if you park on the North side at level 1.
If you are driving North on Pomerado the left turn lane to take you into the building may be closed. If so, drive to the light and make a U-turn.
The installment of the new natural gas pipeline is occurring along Pomerado Road in Rancho Bernardo and Poway. Please be sure to give yourself enough time due to increased traffic.
Thanks for understanding, and please be patient. I look forward to seeing you soon at your next appointment!
Dr. Michele Arnold
Military Veterans Find Relief with Acupuncture
Military veterans often return from service with a host of physical, mental, and emotional challenges related to their tours of duty. Rarely does a service member present with just one health issue. A 2014 study summarized the challenges associated with treating veterans and their often complex medical issues. continue reading
Six Ways Acupuncture Can Improve Women’s Health
Women’s health issues can be complex and unique to each person. However, traditional Western medicine solutions are full of invasive procedures that can alter hormones. Other solutions include prescription drugs that can have strong side effects for those taking them. Unfortunately, many women believe these are the only options.
However, acupuncture can be a tremendous solution in addressing a growing number of women’s health issues. These are the six most common, but there are many more so be sure you talk to your acupuncturist when filling out your health intake so you can get each of your questions answered. continue reading
Four Ways Acupuncture Can Improve Men’s Health
Some men might not consider acupuncture as a first resort when wanting a health reset, but acupuncture can be a great way to deal with some of the issues that come with getting older. There are certainly more than four, but here are the top four ways acupuncture can improve men’s health. continue reading