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15644 Pomerado Rd., Suite 102    Poway, CA 92064

Chinese Medicine

Happy New Year 2023 Year of the Rabbit

This is the Year of the Rabbit according to the Chinese Zodiac Calendar.

The rabbit represents good luck, longevity, and discretion. May you experience peace, longevity, and good health for the new year!

Start off by letting go of negative thoughts, old belief systems, thought patterns, and stuck emotions that no longer serve you. Begin with positive affirmations, gratitude, love, and forgiveness. Enjoy a quick snapshot video of Aromatune, how you can use a cleansing essential oil, sound healing, and acupressure to release toxicity, cleanse the mind, stimulate your own natural pain relievers, and relax.

Click the link below to watch the video.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah 2022

Warmest thoughts and best wishes

for a wonderful holiday and a very

Happy New Year!

Our Acupuncture office will be open

Monday December 26-Thursday December 29.

We are looking forward to the New Year 2023

We are open Monday January 2nd, 2023!


Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving

Enjoy time with family and friends this Thanksgiving and give thanks. What are you grateful for?

I am especially grateful this Thanksgiving to welcome my son home from his first semester in college. It has only been 3 months, but it feels like a year. I am grateful that he isn’t homesick, he likes it, and his grades are good!!

I am also grateful (albeit slightly nervous) that my younger son is learning to drive. He is busy this semester as a sophomore and playing winter ball. 

I am grateful for my acupuncture practice, my patients that put their trust in me, and I am happy to help you feel better. 


The grateful man sees so much in the world to be thankful for, and with him the good outweighs

the evil-Joseph F. Smith

Foods to quelch summer heat over Labor Day weekend

The celebration of American workers often involves parades, picnics, games, and other festivities. Food is often the center of the holiday.  This Labor Day weekend across the country we are experiencing unprecedented heat waves! It is way too hot to go outside away from the cool air conditioning. It even feels too hot to cook. Who wants to BBQ and stand by that grill? Not me!! Nor my husband!

Avoid suffering from summer heat an overexposure to the sun and hot weather conditions that can cause heatstroke. Symptoms may include high fever, profuse sweating, weakness, and thirst. This can be an emergency situation resulting in shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, and even fainting.

Here are some ideas for easy to prepare cooling foods that will help keep you hydrated and refreshed.

Eat fresh foods like green lettuce salads, pasta salads, sprouts like mung bean, fruit, cucumber, and tofu. Naturally, we tend to have less of an appetite when we are hot. It is a good idea to eat less as a natural healthy practice.

  • The best fruits are apples, watermelon, lemons, berries, papaya, cantaloupe, pineapple, and limes.
  • Fresh vegetables that are best are zucchini, cucumber, summer squash.
  • Spice up your foods with red peppers, green peppers, cayenne, fresh ginger, horseradish and black pepper. These spices will disperse the body heat and stimulate sweating, which naturally cools your body. However, be sure not to overdo it with too much hot spicy foods as too much can weaken the body.
  • Drink teas made from mint, chrysanthemum and chamomile.
  • Avoid eating heavy foods that can cause sluggishness like meats, eggs, excess nuts, seeds, and grains.
  • Avoid bitter foods and herbs as they are too draining of body fluids.
  • Avoid foods and drinks that are too cold or frozen such as ice cream because they interfere with digestion contracting the stomach. Contraction of the body withholds fluids and heat interfering with dispersion of heat and sweating.
  • A remedy for heatstroke is watermelon juice, radish juice, and bitter melon soup.
  • Cook with less salt, and more water.
  • The best cooking methods are quick sauteing on high heat, steaming, and simmering foods.

I posted a delicious watermelon salad recipe on my health channel. You can check it out here!

Watermelon Salad to Cool Summer heat!

Enjoy your Labor Day weekend and stay safe!

Dr. Michele Arnold, Licensed acupuncturist.


Body-Mind Tuning Class July 13-22

I am so excited about the upcoming class on July 13th! It seems so far away. Due to my son’s high school graduation, 18th birthday, and the Fourth of July, the 13th of July seems like the best date.

What is Body-Mind Tuning? It was formerly known as the Chakra Series. It is a meditation using the qualities of an essential oil to balance the emotions and mood along with vibrational sound from a tuning fork.  The root of all disharmonies begins from an emotional impact or thought. They become stuck in different areas of our bodies. This class will help you get to the root cause so the stuck energy can open up creating more Qi flow and blood circulation. It is a fun, relaxing way to start feeling rejuvenated, calm, and pain free!

  • We will use the essential oil of peppermint. If you don’t have peppermint, use spearmint, marjoram, lavender, or use your favorite. 
  • If you don’t have any essential oils, you can use a carrier oil like coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, or grapeseed oil. You can even use crushed fresh peppermint leaves.  
  • We will use a weighted tuning fork of either Ohm 136.1 or Otto 128 Hz.
  • If you don’t have a tuning fork yet, you can use your fingers or a retracted ball point pen.
  • You can also use the sound of your voice and hum the sound, “Ohm”. It nicely vibrates your rib cage.
  • You will also listen to the sound of Solfeggio tuning forks as I sound them for you as you create energetic connections for mind-body balancing.

Watch a sample of the Body-Mind Tuning Class here. Enjoy!

I can’t wait to see you there! Please spread the word about my class, and the community on my lifestyle, and mind-body website at 
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