Wellness Plan
What Should I Eat to be Healthy
What to eat and what not to Eat: The Chinese Medicine Way to Healthy, Enjoyable Eating.

What should I eat to be healthy? That is a question I believe a lot of people are asking these days. If you are noticing signs of aging, are overweight, are considered obese, underweight, have diabetes, heart disease, auto-immune disorder, cancer, or you just plain want to stay healthy, you might be wondering which diet therapy is best for you.
I believe that a whole foods diet based mostly on plants, while taking into account individual needs, without all the processed foods, is the way to go. This is not a new way of eating, rather it is based on ancient Chinese Medical philosophy. The ancient way to eat for modern people.
In addition, mindfulness while eating plays an important part. One should eat in a calm and relaxed manner without rushing. Avoid stressful interactions during a meal, including television and reading. Be sure to always chew food thoroughly. Avoid overeating, or excessive fasting.
Foods to avoid are excessive raw, cold foods, iced drinks, excessive dairy, oily, greasy, fried foods, refined sugar, processed white flour products, excessive meat consumption, and excessive alcohol intake.
The process of digestion, and general nutritional requirements are the same, thus there are general guidelines to follow for a healthy spleen-Qi (chi)-digestive system. However, some people may have slightly different needs depending on their body type, lifestyle, climate, culture, or pattern of disharmony.
The general guidelines for a healthy spleen-Qi digestion will be explained in the next post. Stay tuned…