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15644 Pomerado Rd., Suite 102    Poway, CA 92064

Beauty Acupuncture & Facelift Massage

Beauty facelifting massage and acupuncture

Healthy & Beautiful from Inside Out!

Our Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation is not only for skincare, anti-aging, lifting and toning the face and neck. Specific protocols can also help with conditions of skin, head, neck, face, and lymphatic systems. 

For Head, Neck and Face Conditions

  • Bell’s Palsy
  • Post-Stroke Sequelae
  • TMJ, Jaw pain
  • Facial Pain
  • Headaches
  • Acne, Rosacea, broken capillaries
  • Constitutional imbalances
  • *Balancing emotions, reducing stress,
  • *Calming the mind and anxieties, PTSD.
  • *Poor sleep, irritability, and stuck emotions.

A truly holistic face-lift!

Note: those marked * fall under *Neuro-Psycho-Emotional-Spirit Disturbances.

Forehead wrinkles reduced

Facial Rejuvenation May Include one to two of the following Modalities:

Depending upon time constraints, needs of individual, and the best combination. Therapies can be alternated between treatments.

Women Facial microneedling

Mei Zen Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture

The science shows as the needles puncture the skin, they create microtraumas. These tiny punctures stimulate your lymphatic and circulatory systems to deliver the nutrients and oxygen your skin cells need for better health from the inside out.

Tuning Fork Facial

Tuning Fork Facial

We use the power of essential oils & tuning forks. clear & energize chakra-meridian centers sound healing-smooth skin, relieve congestion, lymph drainage, relaxation

professional microneedling

Professional Microneedling

Treats wrinkles, age spots, pores, scars, skin tone. Micro-Needling stimulates collagen production and new skin cells. You will see reduction of fine lines and wrinkles! Recommended 1 time per month. Frequency depends upon area treated like face, scalp, or abdomen. It also depends upon the healing speed of the individual. It can be 1-4 times per month.

Buccal Massage

Lifting & Sculpting Facial Massage

The most important part to help relax tense muscles, return normal muscle tone, improve lymphatic drainage, and return shape of face to normal. NeoLifting facial massage, Buccal Massage, or Gua Sha Skin rubbing.

Professional Facial Cupping

Decongesting effect. Allows movement of impurities, and toxins via better blood and lymph flow. Improved oxygenation and blood supply, nutrient supply. Allows for cellular regeneration and repair. It can Neuro modulate the nerve. Removes adhesions, and nerve compressions. This is from the effect of tissue detachment allowing release of fascia and contracted muscles. Assists Facial nerve paralysis. Increased absorption of skin care products.

Gua Sha Compression Facial

Can be translated as skin rubbing. Other practitioners often refer to Gua Sha as Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IAST). As cupping lifts the skin up and away from underlying tissue, the gua sha tool is pressed into the skin, and muscles as you glide along treatment areas. It can help with deep wrinkles, sagging, facial discoloration and under eye puffiness. • Detoxifies the face • Great for Rosacea • Very beneficial for lip wrinkles, crow's feet, Nasolabial folds and forehead lines.

What is Micro-Needling?

Micro-Needling is the insertion of exceptionally fine short needles into the skin for the purpose of facial and skin rejuvenation. The premise is simple – create a small wound and the skin will respond with collagen production and new skin cells. Depending on the depth of the needle penetration, this can offer the simple enhancement of product absorption, reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, to the clinical treatment of scars and acne. 

Energy Light Facial Rejuvenation

Acupuncture non-needle Face Lift

In between micro-needling sessions you can also experience Energy-Light facial rejuvenation (ELR).  The device I use is an Acutron. The probes produce a gentle microcurrent along with color light therapy.

I have been using this needless method of cosmetic acupuncture for several years. Acupuncture points are stimulated on the face that have a direct connection to your organs and glands.  I am sure you will love the results.

Treatments generally are 20-30 minutes. Energy-Light Facial Rejuvenation™ (ELR) is a complete therapeutic treatment that benefits the whole body, not only the skin and face. 

Learn more about ELR Here!

Take a more detailed look at how natural facial rejuvenation and micro-needling works.

head of microneedle pen

The Micro-Needle Pen head

A sterile pin head with fine short needles is used to create many microscopic channels deep into the dermis of the skin, which stimulate your own body to produce new collagen.

Why Micro-Needling?

This is a natural way to rejuvenate the collagen (protein) in the skin without painful surgery, or toxic injections into your skin. It is also known as skin needling, collagen induction therapy (CIT), and percutaneous collagen induction (PCI).  The principle behind Micro and Nano-Needling Therapy is to stimulate the body’s own production of collagen and elastin, thereby reducing wrinkles, scars and improving skin texture. It also encourages
absorption of your favorite topical serum by 2000%!  A sterile pin head with fine short needles is used to create many microscopic channels deep into the dermis of the skin, which stimulate your own body to produce new collagen. These channels also improve the penetration of serums such as Vitamins C , E, Hyaluronic Acid, and Apple-Stem-Cells about 1000 times. Vitamins C, E, Hyaluronic Acid, and Apple-stem-cells stimulate skin renewal, thereby, making the skin appear fresher and younger.  In our clinic we use professional micro-needling pens that allow us to control the depth, and speed of the device. The professional pen is advanced, and it provides greater outcomes with less adverse reactions than a dermal roller. The pen head oscillates up and down at a great speed, which reduces the sensitivity of the skin. It provides smoother penetration without scratching or injuring the epidermis.

Check out Awesome Results!

Frequency of Treatments

Scalp Treatments: Once weekly or every 2 weeks. If the skin
begins peeling reduce to once a month. You can tell
if scalp is peeling if there is dandruff present.

Micro-needling treatments: You may do 2 times a
month, but it is recommended once a month. Judge
each case individually and see how skin reacts. Is
there flaking? Peeling?

Nano-needling: You may do 2-3 times a week.

ELR: You may do once per week.

Facial Acupuncture, Tuning fork facial, Cupping, Gua Sha, and Facial Massage: can be done weekly for best results.

Recommended Treatment Plans

Bronze-Ages 30-40.
Results seen over 3-month course of treatments.
1 Cosmetic Acupuncture, and/or other modalities per week.
A total of 12 Visits
4 of those visits include 1 micro-needling.

Silver-Ages 40-65.
Results seen over a 6-month course of treatments.
1 Cosmetic Acupuncture, and/or other modalities per week.
A total of 24.
6 visits include micro-needling.

Gold-Ages 65+.
Results seen over a 9-month course of treatments.
1 Cosmetic Acupuncture, and/or other modalities per week.
A total of 36.
8 sessions include micro-needling.

*Faster results can be achieved with twice weekly sessions.

*Pricing subject to change without notice. Packages Available to save, promote commitment, and to streamline your visits. Pricing is influenced by the average rate in the area for this service, expertise, equipment, and cost of the best quality acupuncture needles, micro-dermal cartridges, tuning forks, doTERRA essential oils, doTERRA skin care line, carrier oils, serums, hyaluronic acid, green apple stem-cell serum, herbal supplements. Results are achieved by following the treatment plans with timely treatments.

Expected Results

Mouth and cheek

Results can last 5–10 years or more.
In some cases, you will see immediate results.
The best results are apparent two weeks after
the micro-needling. Overall, it takes at least 4
treatments to see changes.
You should see gradual changes after first
treatment, but the treatments build upon one

What to Expect

Micro-Needle After Care
1. Your skin may be red 8-12 hours afterwards.
2. With the application of hyaluronic acid, there may be slight flakiness for 1-2
3. No exercise the day of micro-needling. Sweat can irritate the skin.
4. Stay out of the sun the day you have micro-needling.
5. Avoid using make-up the day of micro-needling.
6. Apply hyaluronic acid before bedtime the day of micro-needling.
7. If your skin is dry apply hyaluronic acid.
8. Avoid using facial soap on your skin the day of micro-needling. Use plain warm
9. Go back to your normal facial skin care routine the following day after microneedling.
10. Facial products have a higher absorption rate up to one week following.
11. It takes 2 weeks to fully see results from the treatment.
12. Wait one month before doing another micro-needle session.
13. Nano-needling and ELR may be done weekly to speed up results.

D R . M I C H E L E A R N O L D , T H E  F A C T S  A B O U T  M I C R O N E E D L I N G
W W W . A C U P U N C T U R E C E N T E R I N C . C O M

For Appointments

Book online: using the button above.

Text: (858) 613-0793 

Call: (858) 613-0792



15644 Pomerado Rd., Ste. 102

Poway, CA 92064

858-613-0792 Directions Contact/Schedule