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15644 Pomerado Rd., Suite 102    Poway, CA 92064


I had the pleasure of seeing you for my only two visits and so I wanted to thank you.  I’m preggers and thrilled you’d even take me.  (the first acupuncturist I called wouldn’t even have anything to do with pregnancy.)  I came in with really bad pain in my right sacro-illiac region.  At it’s peak I came in for two appointments that week.  The next week I couldn’t come but then, to my delight, I realized the pain was improving.  I am absolutely pain free now.  I thought it would be a number of visits before I got any relief.  (If I got it at all).  I just wanted to thank you and let you know how much I appreciated your professionalism and the experience in general.  I hope to not have to visit you any time soon, but know that I will be calling for an appointment as soon as possible if any ailments should pop up.  I’m at the halfway point now in my pregnancy and hope my body continues to fair well through this "science experiment-pregnency".Hope all is well and your practice continues to grow.

Catherine Dominguez, RNLabor & Delivery Nurse at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women

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