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15644 Pomerado Rd., Suite 102    Poway, CA 92064

Chakra Workout online

Stay Home, Get Healthy, HAVE FUN!

chakra balancing with oils


Virtual Chakra Series Online Workshops

Next live-streaming class is Wednesday April 29th at 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
Location:  Your living room!

  • Each week we will practice some of the same balancing techniques, as well focusing on different chakra-meridian systems.
  • This week’s class we will be focusing on acupressure for the face and the Throat and Brow Chakras.

The throat chakra associations are the neck, jaw, and shoulders, and abdomen.  The brow  chakra is responsible for the area on the face just above the eyebrows to the nose.  A balanced throat and brow chakra can help reduce fine lines, wrinkles, droopy skin, eye bags, as well as eye strain, stress, anxiety, shoulder or neck pain.

Many acupuncture points begin and end on the face.  Using these points helps to relax the jaw, relieve neck tension, stimulate facial muscles, tighten skin, and soothe symptoms of allergies, headaches, and stress.

There are also reflexive areas on the face that reach the whole body for systemic effects.

Reflex areas on the face

There are new ways that we can continue to work together!
I would love to teach you the best ways you can use Q–Gong breathing exercises, essential oils, acupressure, and sound healing to balance your meridians, chakras, and energy systems.
Anyone can learn with easy to follow steps.  Click the link below to find out more about chakras and energy medicine.  How can it help you?

Learn More Here

The Corona Virus (Covid-19) is an alarming problem right now that we all need to be diligent and conscientious about for our own safety, and for others.  However, we can do more than wait and isolate.  We can help ourselves by boosting our immune systems.  We can do that with essential oils, sound healing, and acupressure on the chakra-meridian points.  We will do it together during the class.
Workshops can be purchased with a payment that works best for you.

Just a gentle reminder that increasing the body’s ability to fight disease is the ultimate solution to every virus or disease threat.  This includes boosting the immune system, reducing pain and inflammation, and supporting mental and spiritual health.  Seek healthcare rather than sick care.  Most of which requires self-care methods!

Now is the time to make lifestyle changes, and other challenges such as changing how you think about pain, your emotional outlook, maintaining movement and exercise.  Why not have fun while you’re doing it?

I can help you do that much easier through online workshops that will give you the tools you need.  The workshops may consist of how-to videos, pdf downloads, worksheets, webinars and live streaming communication via Facebook or 

*If you can’t make it, you’ll receive a live-recording to practice at your own convenience.  *The recording will be available for 6 days before it’s taken down. Let me know directly if for some reason you were unable to watch in a timely fashion so that I can send you the direct link.

During these workshops, we will move through self-care methods you can use at home.  Together, over a live video presentation you will discover… 

  • Your Chakra-Meridian Diagnosis/Disharmony 
  • Utilize the power of acupressure,
  • Essential oils,
  • Qi gong exercises, deep breathing
  • Sound healing, or
  • Simply connecting in a supportive conversation.

Enroll Here

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