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15644 Pomerado Rd., Suite 102    Poway, CA 92064

Get Rid of Chronic Pain by Changing What You Think!

Do you suffer from any type of chronic pain, illness, anxiety, or depression?  Have you tried everything without success?  Would you like to get rid of it for once and for all?

In my video, “Getting Rid of Chronic Pain by Changing What You Think”, I explain that the root of the problem in your physical body begins in your mind, and your thoughts.

What are you constantly telling yourself? Most likely you are not even aware of it!

You have the power to heal yourself by facing your inner fears and personal conflicts.

Watch the video to learn how your thoughts affect your physical body.

Sign-Up for the Chakra Series Classes and my Holistic Health Community Now!

Best in Health,

Dr. Michele Arnold

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