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15644 Pomerado Rd., Suite 102    Poway, CA 92064

The Qi (Chi) Life

The Qi (Chi) Life holds the key to abundant health!

Dr. Michele Arnold-Pirtle’s new book

“It is my personal mission to spread the potential health benefits of nature’s plant medicines. Food, Herbs, spices, and essential oils can be used to cultivate a wellness lifestyle to enjoy a healthier, happier life-longer!

This is a small book with a lot of impact! If you want an easy to follow guide with simple natural ways to stay healthy, then this book is for you!

This book includes

  • Commonly used Acupressure points
  • Chinese Medicine healthy food rules
  • Harmonize the liver and gall bladder naturally
  • Congee, an Asian rice porridge for detoxification or illness
  • Natural blood thinners and pain relievers
  • Information about using Cannabinoid (CBD) oil.

Get Your Copy Now!

Learn about Chinese Herbal Teas for improved blood flow, and analgesia

The following is an excerpt:

We use herbs that are concentrated granules of raw herbal ingredients boiled in an aqueous solution.  They are free from preservatives, additives, and colors.  They are certified pharmaceutical grade using GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices).  The powder is mixed with warm water and drunk as a medicinal tea.

They also come in other forms of administration such as honey pills, capsules, tablets, or alcohol or glycerin extracted tinctures.

Where to buy

Herbal Formulas can be prescribed and purchased from your local Acupuncturist.

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Drive out Stasis in the Mansion of Blood Decoction).

TCM Diagnosis:  Blood stagnation, especially of the upper body, head and chest.

Action:  Nourishes and moves blood, a natural analgesic alternative.

Indications:  Pain Acute, Severe, after Trauma, aggravated by wrong movement, fixed localized pain, occasional stabbing pain aggravated by certain postures or movement, and pain is worse at night, a natural alternative to aspirin.

Bio-medical or common disease names:  acute endometritis, retained placenta, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, cirrhosis of the liver, intestinal obstruction, coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, rheumatic valvular heart disease, hypertension, post-concussion syndrome, migraine, menopausal syndrome, urticaria, psychosis.

Ingredients:  Dang Gui (Chinese Angelica), Chuan Xiong (Szechuan Lovage Root), Sheng Di Huang (Prepared Rehmannia), Chi Shao (Red Peony), Tao Ren (Peach Pit), Hong Hua (Safflower), Chuan Niu Xi (Cyathula Root), Jie Geng (Platycodon, Balloon Flower Root), Zhi Ke (Bitter Orange Peel), Chai Hu (Bupleurum, Thorowax Root), Gan Cao (Licorice Root).  Plus add turmeric-curcumin (Yu Jin), cinnamon bark (Rou Gui), Bai Shao (White Peony), and Gan Cao (Licorice).

How to Take: Take Before meals.  In severe cases can increases dosage 50-100%, then reduced as treatment takes effect.


Contraindicated in pregnancy, excessive menstrual bleeding, bleeding diathesis, or hemorrhagic disorder.  For women, stop taking during your period unless otherwise directed.  Caution in patients taking anti-coagulants.

*Women being treated for menstrual problems may notice heavier, more painful periods, expulsion of clots, for one or two cycles as the stagnation is moved, and they are encouraged to continue formula for several cycles.

Dr. Michele Arnold is a doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (D.A.C.M.).  She has been in private practice for over 18 years. She brings together both experience, and research for you to find out what to eat to stay healthy, how to use essential oils, herbs, and acupressure according to the balanced principles of Chinese Medicine.

Disclaimer: The products and information mentioned here have not been evaluated by the FDA.  The products and methods recommended are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent illness or disease.  It is not a substitute for medical advice.

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