Abdominal Acupuncture with Tui Na Manual Therapy

A Non-surgical Drug-Free Treatment!

To address common ailments of the GI (gastrointestinal tract), reproductive, and pelvic areas.

  • Gynecological and Menstrual irregularities
  • Female infertility
  • Digestive and inflammatory bowel conditions
  • Pelvic pain, and urinary problems.
  • Weight loss, body sculpting.

Our Expertise

Female infertility and Gynecological conditions:

  • Age, FSH, hormonal imbalance, Endometriosis
  • Hydrosalpinx treatment-Blocked fallopian tubes
  • PCOS-Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Pre-IVF and Post-IVF treatment
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Irregular periods, painful periods, amenorrhea
  • Fibriods, PMS, Menopause symptoms

Bowel Conditions & Urinary Problems

  • Crohn’s Disease/Enteritis. Ulcertaive Colitis (UC).
  • SIBO-Small bowel bacterial overgrowth.
  • IBS-Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • Hemorrhoids-Piles, Constipation, Diarrhea
  • GERD-Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease.
  • Bloating, gas, fullness, belching, flatulence
  • Poor appetite, indigestion.
  • Overweight, obesity, cellulite, beer belly.
  • Bladder prolapse, frequent urination, dribbling, burning, pain
  • Incontinence, interstitial cystitis, urinary tract infection (UTI).

Treatment may include one or more of the following modalities:

  1. Mei Zen Abdominal Acupuncture
  2. Tui-Na Hands on Manual Therapy
  3. Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) Therapy with the Dolphin Neurostim™.
  4. Healing Sound Frequencies of Tuning Forks.
  5. Herbal Medicine 

Mei Zen Abdominal Acupuncture


It is Acupuncture neuromodulation, which means:

  • Improve blood flow
  • Improve fluid and lymphatic flow.
  • Normalize nerve function
  • Release fascial adhesions
  • Regulate Collagen-elastin fibers of skin. 
  • Targeting optimal function of organs, and glands

How does it work?

  • Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine are based on holistic theory.
  • Addresses a person’s constitutional pattern of disharmony.
  • Not just chasing symptoms
  • The science shows as the needles puncture the skin, they create microtraumas.
  • These tiny punctures stimulate your lymphatic and circulatory systems.
  • Nutrients and oxygen are delivered to your cells necessary for better health from the inside out.


Tui-Na Manual Therapy

Many problems of the abdominal region are from adhesions and fibrotic tissue.

  • Adhesions are bands of scar tissue that form in response to imbalanced hormones, neurogenic inflammatory chemicals, infection, radiation, surgery, or trauma.
  • Scar tissue may form again after surgery meant to remove it.
  • Adhesive sticky fluids create narrowing of spaces, blockages, causing structures, tissues, and organs to stick together.

Tui-Na is Hands-on Manual Therapy

  • Enhances outcomes
  • To reverse adhesions
  • Break down fibrotic tissue
  • Open blockages and narrowed spaces
  • Stimulate the repair process
  • Influence proper remodeling of tissue
  • Lymphatic drainage and blood flow.
  • Creating lasting changes.

Dolphin Neurostim™ and Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) Therapy

the Dolphin microcurrent hand-held device
  • Provides effective relief from acute or chronic pain of soft tissues, stress, anxiety, cellular healing, as well as scar tissue release.
  • Through research and experience the Dolphin Neurostim™ was developed based on ancient Chinese Acupuncture Medicine and Modern Western science.

*See website page for more info.

Sound Healing Tuning Forks

  • The sound healing frequencies along with using pressure
  • Release and reposition tissues and arteries,
  • “Flush” out debris and toxins from the aorta and major pulses of the abdomen, organs, and extremities.
  • Release pressurized fluids across a cell membrane, and fascial adhesions of trigger points.
  • Reducing our, “fight or flight” sympathetic tone, that keeps us feeling stressed, anxious, and out of sorts. 


  • Weekly sessions are 45 min. to 1-hour.
  • Program begins with a 12 week program.
  • Followed with a 6 week program or continuing another 12-week program. Depending upon individual needs.
  • Accelerated program. Great if you are coming from out of town. Program of 3-hour visits over 4 days. (1.5 hour with a break followed by 1.5 hour.) A total of 12 hours.

Frequent sessions in a shorter time period allow for resolution of long-standing and hard to treat conditions.

Follow up Homecare to prevent back-sliding.

  • Qigong Breathing Exercises
  • Herbal Medicines-*Included in the program.
  • Femoral and abdominal massage
  • Best dietary practices.
  • Regular Abdominal Acupuncture. These may be more spaced out depending upon individual needs. 


Prepaid before treatment begins.

Includes two 100-gram packages of herbal medicine.

*Not taking herbs does not reduce the price of your program.

  • Program 12 sessions. $1,170.00
  • Program 6 sessions $585

Pricing and Packages

*Pricing subject to change without notice.

  • Packages available to save, promote commitment, and to streamline your visits.
  • Best results are achieved by following the treatment plans with timely treatments.
  • The effectiveness of this treatment procedure cannot be guaranteed.
  • Any additional history of trauma, infection, inflammation or surgery could change your suggested number of treatments.
  • Depending upon severity of condition from mild, moderate, or severe the program can be shorter or longer.
  • Cost would be adjusted accordingly.

If you are not satisfied with the care you receive, you may end therapy at any time and receive a full refund of your prepaid, unused sessions, minus the non-refundable deposit. Deposit of 10% holds your space for scheduling out your treatments.
